Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

how is it separate if it still lives in and feeds off the birthing person? plus, there's no brain, nothing going on with a fetus. it's basically nothing until much later in the growth process.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Alright, "Fart_Smeller68" – let's logically examine your arguments, and discuss some highly disturbing moral implications it brings about. Number 1:

How is it separate if it still lives in and feeds off the birthing person?

First off, I'd like to share something exciting about the English language with you – the great ancient word "mother." It's actually been used for (get this!) thousands of years to describe women, who give birth to babies, because women are the only people who give birth to babies. It's your lucky day – instead of humiliatingRead more

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

also, i would like to mention that people with alzheimer's, dementia, and other things you mentioned are definitely not living off of other people. they're being treated by people who choose to help them and are paid to do so, with machines and medicine. someone pregnant, not by their own decision or desire, is forced to grow a fetus off of their own flesh and blood. they are not the same thing, and comparing a fully-grown human to a barely living fetus is idiotic, honestly, more moronic than using the term "birthing person."

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

Apparently you've either never encountered someone with late-stage dementia or, when you did, you were too busy watching TikTok reels to glance for five seconds (or however long it takes your brain to process obvious information, which, having never met you, I can't with any accuracy estimate) at the sorry person before you. People with dementia need to have their diapers changed, their food cooked and presented to them (not to mention a twice-daily refresher on how to use a fork) and their water glass kept full, and they need to be constantly supervised so they don't wander into the streetsRead more

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

you are pretty embarrassing, jesus christ. i never said we don't live off of other people, but living off of other people and a fetus living off a person's body are not the same things. consumerism and birth are not comparable, jeez louise! you're a little coocoo, y'know, patriot? but I still love you, sweetie pie. you'll be mine forever.

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

yeah i knew birthing person would make you mad lmao you're so chronically on this site it's just sad. you don't understand science and you're embarrassing yourself.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

"You don't understand science and you're embarrassing yourself," says the person failing to acknowledge the most fundamental components of biological reality

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri commented…3mos3MO

where have i failed to acknowledge the most fundamental components of biological reality? where?? where??? please, I must know... i hate sounding stupid and unknowledgeable on a discussion website filled with incels worse than reddit!

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