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2 Replies

 @fart_smeller68 from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

you are pretty embarrassing, jesus christ. i never said we don't live off of other people, but living off of other people and a fetus living off a person's body are not the same things. consumerism and birth are not comparable, jeez louise! you're a little coocoo, y'know, patriot? but I still love you, sweetie pie. you'll be mine forever.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Don't worry, feeling embarrassed is totally normal after someone schools you and mops the floor with your argument's bloody carcass. Yes, unborn children living off their mothers and us living off other people are very comparable, and you've provided no evidence they aren't. This entire argument was an emotional unload totally devoid of all logic.

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