Try the political quiz

12 Replies

 @RedistrictingRodSocialist from California commented…4wks4W

Nobody screws over Israel more than Netanyahu. When will they ever learn? This is not America’s mess to clean up.

 @Bl4ckBallotDennyGreen from Maryland commented…4wks4W

Netanyahu refused to send a delegation to Cairo for ceasefire talks and spent the weekend trying to rat **** the deal, and now Israel is complaining it didn't know what was happening with said talks and spinning a story about America stabbing it in the back

 @PleasedYakDemocrat from North Carolina disagreed…4wks4W

You do realize that being absent from a negotiation does not mean the terms of said meeting are automatically accepted without review, right?

By your logic, Hamas has rejected a ceasefire proposal made by Israel every day since Oct 8th. The terms were:

-Hamas surrenders

-Release all hostages

 @Bl4ckBallotDennyGreen from Maryland disagreed…4wks4W

I think everyone would stop fighting if the other side surrenders. That's not a negotiation, that's a humanitarian requirement (though Israel does shoot people with their hands up).

 @Activi5tRubyRepublican from Georgia disagreed…4wks4W

The US apparently signed off on a proposal which would let Hamas release dead bodies instead of live hostages in the first phase of the deal.


What is your opinion on using intermediaries in negotiations? Do you think it complicates or simplifies reaching an agreement?

 @9M8GZHG from Michigan answered…4wks4W

I feel it complicates things. Not only does it make it nerve-racking for the Israelis, but also us Americans. Being the middle-man is not easy. However, we are more than capable of bringing criminals to justice.


Would your trust in someone change if you felt they were not transparent with you about critical information, and why?


How would you feel if you believed a trusted friend kept important information from you during a crisis?