Try the political quiz

9 Replies


If a law from the Civil War era was still affecting your life choices today, would you support or oppose efforts to change it, and why?

 @9LVPZ9R from Iowa answered…1mo1MO

 @9LVPQVP from Oklahoma answered…1mo1MO

If I stand with the position then I don't think the law should be changed.


Do you believe the government should have the power to make decisions about personal health issues, like abortion, or should that choice be left to individuals?


GOP-controlled Arizona House votes to repeal abortion ban from Civil War era…

The Arizona House made a significant move on Wednesday by passing a bill that aims to repeal the state's long-standing


Heated reactions after abortion ban repeal passes House, GOP defector punished…

The Arizona House of Representatives' move to narrowly pass a bill that would repeal a law banning nearly all abortions triggered a wide range of reactions

 @SwiftLucyProgressivefrom South Carolina commented…1mo1MO

It's about time Arizona moves forward with repealing this archaic abortion ban, a huge win for women's rights and autonomy.


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