Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



How might a day in your life look if all your leisure activities were government-approved?

 @9KJ4DQR from California answered…3mos3MO

This country is a Capitalist hell-hole that prioritises profit over people. The best thing our country has been able to do is use propaganda and convince other nations that "the american dream" is real and that the United States is the best country. It's not. Our citizens have been convinced to accept that what we have in place is the best way to operate a country, when statistically, it's proven wrong. If life in the United States was meant to serve the people, we would not have the highest infant mortality rate out of all developed nations. We would be able to walk down the streets without being afraid of possibly being raped or killed. This society is not okay.

 @9KK98DJRepublican from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

We don't understand how good we have it here, we have the highest dollar per-capita here where even some of the poorer people have it better than most people in other countys. Also we have freedom of speech and press so we can say our minds without the fear of disaearing like in communist countrys. We have many comoditys like starbucks and some of the best colleges in the world, if you thought we have it really bad here try living in rual mexico where the cartells live and there is a feafr your dauther will disppare into the sex trade and possibly killed.