Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9JF3N8K from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

When I hear the star spangled banner instant chillz go through my body and an infinite amount of energy and freedom pulses through my veins until the final braaaaaaave when I cheer at the top of my lungs.

 @9JF3DGN from Kansas answered…4mos4MO

Reflection on those who died for it to be played, but also an awareness that ultra-patriotism can be a bad thing.

 @9JF3NLCIndependent from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

I don't really care about the national anthem. You can stand if you want but I don't think you HAVE to stand if you live here. I won't stand if it's played nor will I stand during the pledge of allegiance.