Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9J5TH87 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

We can make sure they are heard by listening to them like any other person. As long as we go off our constitution and give everyone the right to speak, we also should be able to listen their views with no issue.

 @FltchrZrgzaIndependent  from Oklahoma answered…5mos5MO

That's a big question that I'm not sure I have the station to speak to. I would only (weakly) compare it to how the US has attempted to make our system a "Christian Democracy" which has yet to demonstrate an actual positive effect. In all fairness, it hasn't gone fully in that direction due to its opponents' objections, so we don't know what would happen. It could also be argued that secular democracy hasn't either, and neither show signs of improving the well-being of the entire nation.

It feels messy, overall. I think there's a question of power…  Read more