Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What's your immediate reaction when someone defends an ideology with a history of violence?

 @9J6TH42  from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

My immediate reaction is that the person defending the ideology has been throwing their ideas around in an echo chamber of people who also think this way. I think this person should have more exposure to other types of people, learn more about the world and what that ideology actually means, and do some more reflection afterward. I think attacking them and saying they're stupid or evil doesn't solve anything. Very few people believe they are evil or perpetuating evil, and so if you tell them they are, they will automatically discount your opinion. As hard as it is, you have to listen, understand their points, and begin a slow process of picking it apart and providing counterpoints. There's not a quick solution when someone is indoctrinated, but patience and kindness will often win out.

 @9J7PYS4Republican from Illinois disagreed…4mos4MO

I believe that people are entitled to their opinion, but too much extreme on democrat side should be called out as being too liberal is making the country soft and weak, as well as indoctinating the children into changing their gender/sex. Making our future generations weaker. I also believe that stupid ideas/thoughts should be called out.