Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



How do you think access to different reproductive options shapes our society?

 @9J36S7C from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

Reproductive options are important for our entire society to consider. Empathy is important, and also facts. Pro-choice should be implemented everywhere for the the Mother/ body whom carries the child/ owner of embryo through surrogacy, regardless of opinion. Mothers whom are in a contract pregnancy should also have rights until the baby is born, they should be able to ensure ( with an official opinon as well such as a moral or govermental agency) that the baby will be in a safe home.

 @9J3CTK2 from Illinois agreed…5mos5MO

A person should be able to choose if they are able to give the embryo in their stomach a good life instead of a miserable one if they were to abort.