Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9HW3SV5 from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

Arresting women who decided/tried to have abortions. I felt disempowered by that, being as though mainly a group of men decided what to do with the woman.

 @9HZK7WD from California agreed…5mos5MO

As much as i disagree with abortion’s, I don’t think w women should get arrested unless the baby was halfway or almost full term. If it can be born and have a good chance at surviving, like it has all the tool necessary, then that baby deserves to be born.

 @9HZ29DQ from Minnesota agreed…5mos5MO

The abortion debate is a religious one that is being argued on a governmental level. We are not giving other religions a spot as others do allow it for various reason. this does nothing more that punish women for not putting into the workforce….. the people who are pulling strings on this fall into one of 2 categories, either they want to re-enforce the declining birth rate using religion as a reason for it and those that want to enforce their religious belief on others. Both are deplorable for doing so.

 @9HW3Q4V from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

When the government starts talking about things that will be given for free, they will not actually be free. They have to have money to fund the "free" services, and this will more than likely come out of taxpayer money.

 @9HW3JSY from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

I think to the topic, I think that we as a nation were unified by the leadership of President Obama. Obama led the country to the Recession of 09, he helped the Medicare of this country, he helped bring diversity in this room, and he fought the imperialism of communist foreign nations

 @9HTYC6C from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

In school, I was often passed up by teachers because teachers were politicaly inclines to help the gay people or female.

 @9HW3H3Q from New York answered…5mos5MO

I felt empowered when the government decided to give kids who went through foster care free tuition.