Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

White Nationalism


What emotions arise when you encounter stories of cultural or racial discrimination, and how do they shape your worldview?

 @9HVYZ7X from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

I believe that racism is something that is sadly never going to go away it is everywhere and it won’t stop. I do however think it is important that racism is recognized and dealt with when it’s shown in our country. It is shown that white nationalism has been a thing for thousands of years but we need to do better and stop talking about our own skin colors and who gets it worse because the real issue is how we’re destroying our world and how Mother Nature doesn’t care what skin color you are she will end all life on earth if we don’t take care of her.

 @9HYZGQ3Progressive from Oklahoma disagreed…5mos5MO

Racism is possible to go away, with the right teaching opportunities. It is important society recognizes our differences in skin color, to allow others to embrace their identity. Without recognizing our differences we basically erase the history and cultures of our peers, hinting that their is a dominant race or culture.