Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9H3Q83Y from Alabama answered…7mos7MO

I believe in equality, but you shouldn't force people to conform to things if they don't want it.

 @9H3Q8B3Libertarian from South Carolina answered…7mos7MO

As someone who classifies as White, I oppose White Nationalism, as it promotes immoral values and a sense of superiority to the White race. The majority of U.S. history is told through the lens of a White person, as White people have had a greater control over U.S. history through writing the history books and leaving out things that make them look too bad. To be patriotic while upholding values of equality and diversity is very difficult, as the majority of patriotism is based on the past. I feel as though patriotism while opposing White Nationalism would have to acknowledge our past and focus on our future of trying to undo our mistakes and improving our overall society. We should not be patriotic over our past riddled with lies, but instead of the unity being created in the national effort to eradicate prejudice.