Try the political quiz

11 Replies


Equality does not mean getting treate fair, life is unfair. Equality is equal opportunities not equal outcome.

 @9GS9XFQ from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Who cares about our history and if it is based in racism, it already happened and there is nothing we can do but move on and learn from our mistakes. Reparations just continue to push a past problem into the present.

 @9GS9TCR  from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I agree, the youth of our nation should be raised to be proud of who they are, and accepting of others, without need for attention on race. The democratic view, Critical Race Theory, and welfare will hurt minorities in the long run, whether they know it or not.

 @9GSFKW5 from Nevada disagreed…7mos7MO

During recent years, most people have adopted a victim mentality that has caused people to blame their environment and outside factors including the government; however, most of these claims are false. Although it is true that some outside factors have caused a negative impact on people's education, the government is not one such factor. In fact, the government has been actively trying to balance and assist people in their education. For example, several laws that discourage unfair treatment and encourage equal education to people have been placed into action. Laws that make education more accessible have also been passed. These laws have done much to spread and positively impact people's education and future. However, some aspects still need work and improvement; as a result, the government is needed to accomplish this.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

It's not a "victim mentality" if it's true. Systemic racism, supported by capitalism, are real structural factors responsible for keeping certain groups oppressed. Our government is not genuinely interested in addressing these issues, because it benefits from them, so they're only willing to provide band-aid solutions instead.

 @Minarchist-08Libertarian from Washington disagreed…2mos2MO

But it's not true. Non-Whites, Non-Males, Non-Christians benefit from discrimination in their favor, while White Male Christians are discriminated against. Basic facts.

 @9GSBSDR from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

If you believe that you are oppressed, you will act that way. If you believe that you are capable of anything you will go and pursue that thing leading to a more successful future.

 @9GSB884 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Agreed. If indeed there is a problem of white-washing America's past in schools, the solution is to present the story as accurately as possible. Any "agenda" should be to learn from the mistakes of the past rather than to repeat them in reverse. As Bob Gibson said, "If black power is just white power backward, I don't think it's an improvement."

 @9GSFKNT from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

Critical race theory blames a different race for the problems of one race. When the roles are reversed this is racism when we see it in this way some believe it to be justified. I don't think racism is the counter to racism. If everything we see is based off the race of the individuals then we have not gotten very far in the past century. It is possible that some people with white skin don't like people with black skin but that doesn't mean every person with white skin is that person. We attribute too many things to collectives and not enough to individuals.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

Not only have you completely misunderstood CRT, but your last line is also blatantly incorrect as well. We attribute way too much to individuals and not enough to collectives.

 @9GS8YSTDemocrat from California agreed…7mos7MO

Children are innocent and dont really pay attention to race. Plus parents should edjucate their kids to be better.


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