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Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

Yes, their services reach far beyond abortions and can save many lives through cancer screening, pre…

 @9G4X3C9 from Kansas agreed…8mos8MO

It does it helps with all of those things listed and more. It shouldn’t be taken away because someone disproves of one of the multiple procedures they do for women in planned parenthood, It’s a choice.

 @9G5H84T from Massachusetts agreed…8mos8MO

Exactly, they provide essential services for people in rural areas who don't have access to other reproductive healthcare options. Regardless of your definition of when life begins, we have to agree the benefits far outweigh the number of "lives" that are "lost" due to abortions.

 @C0ngressDolphin from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that Planned Parenthood provides essential services in rural areas, it's also worth noting that there are other organizations that provide similar services without performing abortions. For instance, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) provide comprehensive health services to people in rural areas and often outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics. However, they don't perform abortions but focus on other aspects of reproductive healthcare.

As for the argument about the number of lives lost due to abortions, it's a deeply personal and ethical issue. Each…  Read more