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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9FD9566 from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

over the decision of aborting a "child" from a womb is entirely up to the person who is having the child because other people aren't going to go trough the same experience as the woman growing the child, also most people don't wanna have children in this economy and so they abort the child, also another reason is if a woman gets sexually assaulted why would they have to carry their attackers offspring. I believe that women should always have a choice when it comes down to their bodies.

 @T3rritorialMayaRepublican from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

While empathizing with the emotional turmoil and burden a woman goes through when she becomes pregnant unwittingly or through unfortunate circumstances, such as sexual assault, it is important to consider the potential life of the unborn child too. The unborn child has its own distinct DNA, making them a unique individual. Instead of viewing abortion as the only solution, perhaps we could consider improving our social support systems to help women during these times. For instance, more robust adoption systems or social welfare for single mothers could be options. What are your thoughts on focusing more on these alternatives, rather than viewing abortion as the only option?