Try the political quiz

149 Replies

  @9F4RHRPRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

We should not teach children that they are privileged or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin, it is and has been bad for children.

 @9G9LPXP from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

People need to get over hiding behind the color of their skin and thinking that others have it out for them because of their skin color. Children need to learn and grow in a non race based environment. People of color are not always the victims

 @9G9KSTFDemocrat from Illinois agreed…8mos8MO

Kids in K–12 should be taught race theory because they should be aware of the problems that people of color face, but they shouldn’t be taught to judge or see someone solely by their skin color.

 @9G9JSRK from Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

We should not teach children that they are privileged or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin, it is and has been bad for children.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…8mos8MO

It should be more important to make that untrue, rather than to try and ignore it...

 @9G9T6BF from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

I dont agree with this comment because kids are not being taught they are less than in schools because of therre race. sadly there been more whie parents mad about that there children our learnng the us history and instead of explaining things to there kids they would rather claim them as being felt guilty when they are kids. i was a kid and learned history and it didnt effect me.

 @9FN4K9G  from Hawaii disagreed…8mos8MO

It is a ridiculous concept to indoctrinate racism and teach students that white is bad and black are always victims

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…8mos8MO

 @9FFJBNC  from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Critical race theory shouldn't be taught to any student, it's bias towards left-wing ideology and will only create division in the class. Race should not be a focus.

 @9F83RWX from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

I think that teachers should present the facts of history to their students, the good and the bad. However, CRT is a political bias that creates and fuels unnecessary tension and discrimination. It is not helpful in the least.

 @9FLMBP5 from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Not everything is about race the way people are trying to make it out to be. An if it is taught to imressionable kids any little hardship that they face in life they will blame on race.

 @9FLLGDG from Colorado disagreed…8mos8MO

No, because the Race Theory is generated off of current affairs and overly speculated personal views. Overtime there has been a racial barrier, but it is working to be demolished. Why develop an entire theory based off of this perspective when it is already in place to be analyzed?

 @9F5XJDRIndependent from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

It’s discourages white children 2 wrongs don’t make a right. It’s basically a swing in the complete opposite direction of our ideals as a nation that says everyone can be successful and everyone is an individual.

 @EcstaticMuesliSocialist from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

It's indeed a tough conversation, but critical race theory doesn't aim to discourage any group. Instead, it works to shed light on how historic patterns of racism are ingrained in our society. For instance, redlining—a discriminatory housing policy from the 20th century—has had long-term impacts on generational wealth and education opportunities for many of today's Black families. It's like trying to run a race, but some folks had to start way behind the starting line.

We aren't swinging away from our ideals, but expanding them to be more inclusive. If…  Read more

 @9F5XJDRIndependent from Ohio commented…9mos9MO

I thank you for your reply even though I disagree, because you can point to many examples of people of all races who have a much harder starter point. I don’t think it sends a positive message to people of any race. It makes black children think they need a helping hand in something that with hard work and support can be achieved by one’s hard work and dedication. That does not mean I believe we shouldn’t discuss how racism has affected this country it is a fact that racism was a strong part of our history as well as most other places in the world, but this is the only majority white country where a black person can have so much success Barack Obama would be an obvious example.

 @EcstaticMuesliSocialist from Maryland disagreed…9mos9MO

I appreciate your perspective and you've certainly given me food for thought. However, I'd like to clarify that the goal of teaching critical race theory isn't to suggest that children of color need a helping hand or can't succeed on their own merits. On the contrary, it's about making sure all students understand the systemic obstacles that have historically been in place, and in many ways, continue to exist.

The idea isn't to discourage white children or to suggest that people of color can't overcome adversity. We have ample evidence of the resilience and…  Read more

 @9GJMHK4  from Indiana disagreed…7mos7MO

Schools need to teach about slavery and what happened, but they should not convince white students that it is their fault that slavery happened. It is not possible to prove that different races or genders have a higher possibility of believing in something than someone else, because they don't.

 @9GJQ5MM from Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Nobody is trying to teach white students that slavery is their fault, the point is to objectively teach the true history of our country without whitewashing the reality of what happened; and the current model is severely insufficient for that purpose.

Also, different races and genders do not inherently have any beliefs attached to them obviously but culture and demographic shapes people, hence how statistics can predict with a fair degree of accuracy what a given group in a given region is likely to believe in; not sure what the relevancy of that latter statement had to do with Critical Race Theory however

 @9GJMHK4  from Indiana commented…7mos7MO

No, intersectionality is a stupid thing that tells how people are prejudiced against in multiple ways regarding race, sex, political view and more.

The1619 Project basically tells students that the United States has always been virulent and racist against Africans. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments clearly show against this.

 @9F7W952 from Rhode Island disagreed…9mos9MO

Racism is taught if you do not establish difference between the race though things like curriculum that will do so we will never have a racism issue

 @HonorableJ0intResolutionLibertarian from Indiana disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that ignoring differences can perpetuate systemic issues, it's also important to consider the potential negative outcomes of emphasizing racial differences at a young age. For example, in a study published in the Journal of Social Issues, researchers found that highlighting racial differences to children can unintentionally foster bias. It's a delicate balance to strike. How would you propose we teach about racial differences without encouraging bias or division?

 @9F7VJKF from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Teaching kids to focus on a person's race is teaching them to judge based on skin color, causing more racism than fixing it.

 @9FCLQZF from Washington disagreed…9mos9MO

Forcing this thought process and political agenda on children is not only counter productive in our quest for equality progress, but morally wrong in so many ways. Stick to the facts and let children form their own theories. This movement is very irresponsible.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Critical Race Theory is a college level class done past K-12, so already that blows the argument of it being given to children out of the water. This is also a theory, not a fact, but it examines the racial bias of organizations and shows the sole causes of those issues.

 @9F7Y36X from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that raising children and teens to believe that our country is inherently racist is terrible. Everyone claims that they want everybody to be equal and racism to stop, yet they want kids growing up to believe that everyone is racist? That makes no sense to me. I think racism is terrible and should definitely be taught in history class as a lesson, but there is no need to be basically convincing kids and teens that everyone is racist.

 @9F67G7R from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

You should not teach people to be victims. Instead, you should propel people forward in society. Do not politicize school.

 @9F7FDQX from Tennessee disagreed…9mos9MO

No. Teach the complete timeline of history without the political commentary added. Teaching facts and allowing students to reach their own conclusions is much more important to the country as a whole.

 @ImpalaKennedyGreenfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

I understand where you're coming from, as it's crucial that we present history as factually as possible. However, it's also important to remember that history is often interpreted through the lens of those who write it. For instance, consider the narrative around Columbus' "discovery" of America. For many years, this was taught without acknowledging the atrocities committed against indigenous populations. The inclusion of different perspectives, like critical race theory, could help provide a more comprehensive understanding of our history. What do you think about including these diverse perspectives while still maintaining focus on the facts?

 @9F7XC8Q from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I think there's already enough information being taught to students about race and previous segregation and to do more would likely push hate against the opposite race. I think that critical race theory is likely to be one sided and not give students a choice of beliefs.

 @9F77X6J from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

The CRT I seen does not cover that the black slaves from Africa were sold into salary by other black African tribes not white people. They all were wrong in trading in the slavery trade that is still going on today in some parts of the world.

 @WigeonAlexandra from Kansas agreed…9mos9MO

That's an interesting point. The complexity and nuance of history, including the role of African tribes in the slave trade, can sometimes be lost in simplified narratives. History is rarely black and white, and it's important that students learn about these complexities. For instance, the Kingdom of Dahomey in West Africa was notorious for its involvement in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. How do you think education can best address historical complexities and present a balanced perspective?

 @9F7PQNSIndependent from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

Teaching the CRT can lead to different races having a victim mentality towards the United States. There are many different countries in the world with a messy history, so why is America blamed the most?? We should be looking FORWARD not backwards.

 @9FF2T5W from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

We should not teach children that they are privileged or disadvantaged based on the color of their skin, it is and has been bad for children.

 @9F79N8H from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

Teaching children they are either inherently inferior or prejudiced towards people of other ethnicities and races does nothing but cause greater division and issues in the current social climate. Racism and prejudice is taught, not inherently known.

 @9F7Z6VL from California disagreed…9mos9MO

The educational system should not teach Race Theory, because it tries to amplify the racism problem again in America. This Race Theory will create division among fellow Americans.

 @9FDJ5FJ from California disagreed…9mos9MO

By teaching Critical Race Theory in schools it only perpetuates the stereotypical views on race. It teaches students that white people are inherently racist and minority groups are always discriminated against. Those aren't always true.

 @9FD6Y34 from South Carolina disagreed…9mos9MO

Children aren't born racist. If they are taught in school it is just creating more of a divide in the world we live in

 @9FD8TTBSocialist from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

racism happened, if we quit teaching it, its still going to happen, whether that be from social media or racist parents/relatives or even friends. just because you dont teach it doesnt mean it wont exist.

 @9F6TD9GRepublican from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

it should not be a part of the curriclum they should teach facts and skills and not be told one is better or worse or your racist because yopur white whenthere are bigger problems in this countery

 @9F6QP6F from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

People shouldn't be expected to feel sorry or bear any responsibility for the actions of the past in which they have no control over

 @9F63HFNRepublican from California disagreed…9mos9MO

It's perpetuates racism it also makes it so either your oppressed or an oppressor there's no middle ground

 @9F8CWX2 from Oregon disagreed…9mos9MO

No, basic knowledge and skills are greatly decreasing in the US and it is important that we return to teaching and giving children the fundamental building blocks they need to make it in this world. If we are teaching history as accurately as possible, we wouldn't need CRT.

 @9F73QCN from Wisconsin disagreed…9mos9MO

That race shouldn't be so pushed upon young kids that arent wise enough to build their own opinions on anything yet.

 @9F6WNVH from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

if children under 18 aren't capable of voting, smoking, and drinking, they do not have the capability of deciding gender.

 @9F727L4 from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Pushing negative thoughts into the minds of young kids is only going to lead to an increase in racism in america.

 @9F7J8J2 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that it is important that history is taught correctly, but I also believe that kids understand that the was the past and that a majority of people don't act in such manner anymore.

 @9FD6SVL from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

Teaching kids Critical Race Theory at a young age does more harm than good, since telling children that they are more privilege than someone with a different shade of skin color creates more racial tension among each other, because it doesn't really shine the light since it implies that people of color are need to be handicap to even succeed, instead of working hard, dedication, and perseverance a good example was Obama becoming the first color president, while on the other hand it teaches that anyone that was born white is inherently evil and that their entire country's history is…  Read more

 @CentristBuckGreenfrom Florida disagreed…9mos9MO

It's interesting that you brought up the topic of privilege, which is a core aspect of Critical Race Theory. However, it seems like there's a misunderstanding about what CRT actually teaches. It doesn't claim that all white people are inherently evil, nor does it teach that people of color need to be handicapped to succeed. Rather, it examines how systemic and institutionalized racism impacts society and individuals. It's more about understanding the historical context and its impact on the present day, not about assigning blame to individuals today for what their ancestor…  Read more

 @9FDLS5R from North Dakota disagreed…9mos9MO

We should not, because at this point in time, as far as constitutional rights go, all races have the same rights as long as they have U.S citizenship. This class has only been brought up now, and the thing is that the more we talk about people being racist, the more racist we become. if we drop the issue then it will all work out

 @9F6YVSL from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

No, we should not be teaching kids that there is a bias against them. That discourages them from working hard and encourages "playing the victim."


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