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What are the consequences of valuing traditional gender roles over individual well-being?

 @9H8RSYM from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

Traditional Gender Roles have been redefined throughout human history. What is a traditional gender role today may not be the same tomorrow. Less emphasis should be put on forcing people to conform to a "traditional gender role" that is anything but traditional.

 @9H8PTQ5 from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

you are disregarding psychological distress, and people's freedom. Why does it bother others that trans people are choosing what's right for them?

 @9LYS2PP from Oregon disagreed…1mo1MO

Women shouldn’t be forced to share their safe and protected spaces with men who “feel” like women. Someone’s personal distress with them selves shouldn’t trump my personal and protected freedoms. Little girls and grown women for that matter shouldn’t be forced to be in a space where they may be naked or have male genitalia exposed to them by Virtue of being inclusive. These spaces are meant to NOT be inclusive by design.

 @9H96W5SIndependent from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

Gender is a form of self expression. Individual well-being should be more important to all people rather than the upholding of gender roles.

 @9H7XNJ9Republican from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

I think not everyone should be designated to a role that they are not good at. I'm not physically strong, so why should I be forced to do a heavy-labor job? I do think however, that it shouldn't be taken to the extreme where men decide to masquerade as women and take over the role of women completely just because they want to be women.


Does preserving traditional values justify possible mental health impacts on transgender individuals?

 @9H7Q7R4 from Kansas answered…6mos6MO

I don't agree with being trans, but that doesn't mean they don't have a right to. People don't agree with Christianity and I'm Christian. We all have a choice. Do I think it's stupid, yes but that doesn't change the rights they have as human beings.

 @9H8J8TLRepublican from California commented…6mos6MO

christian or not, its mental illness. maybe its a right but its also something in there head one day that is telling them that the skin on their body isnt the right one. as a born female, i would have to be going through a mental health crisis to one day just want to take on the traditional role as a male. they can do whatever they want but should be mentally at peace to make those decisions.

 @9H7RVCD from New York answered…6mos6MO

I personally think preserving Traditional values doesn't impact being trans. But trans people. We've turned our country against itself to be honest. We have a month for LGBTQ+ but not straights. And if I ask a member of that movement they say "Every other month is straight and we're oppressed"... So y'know, it's cool if your trans. But don't make it a symbol of oppression and power. That's not what gender should have ever been.

 @9H8PTNG from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

It's a psychological distress and people's freedom to do whatever they want with their body. It shouldn't bother others what a person is deciding with their body.

 @9H7QKSKGreen from Virginia answered…6mos6MO

Traditional values mean nothing at the end of the day and at the end of your life, let others live their lives


How do societal expectations of gender impact your choices in daily life, such as dress or behavior?

 @9J6ZNY6 from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

I think it's dumb like be yourself and not someone who you aren't.

 @9J7M9CS from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

People have different opinions and different beliefs. We all have freedom of speech and should be allowed to think and feel what we think and feel. Actions its when things are changed. No body should be forced to believe in something they don't believe.

 @9J73S3BRepublican from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

I don’t care what you identify with, as long as you aren’t super obnoxious and make it your whole personality

 @9J6ZRN7from Maine answered…5mos5MO

The fact I dont wear feminine clothes because of societal expectations, despite wanting to try them out.

 @9J6ZP8GLibertarian from North Dakota answered…5mos5MO

I don't care much for what other people have to say but I have one thing to say. It doesn't matter what gender you wish you were, you are either male, female, or intersex. If you were born female, you can't be a guy. your genes say so.


How might understanding and acceptance of transgender individuals benefit society as a whole?

 @9H7JVGPRepublican from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO

I think that even if your against it that you should mind your own business and not treat them differently than other people, but the same goes for how transgender people treat other people.

 @9H7T73R from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

The acceptance of transgender individuals will benefit society as a whole because they are still human and they aren't some other species that we need to worry so much about. So why make something that isn't a problem, a problem? Just accept them for what they choose to be, no deal to stress about if it is not your life. The people who complain about this probably are ignoring the other problems about their own life.

 @9H7KXRP from Texas answered…6mos6MO

I am religiously opposed to the concept, but still think all people should be accepted and tolerated as long as their actions don't harm others.

 @9H7K5NV from Texas answered…6mos6MO

it goes against my religion so I don’t support, but as long as it doesn’t affect me it wont matter


Can a person's gender identity be an essential aspect of their humanity and individuality?

 @9HLYJGH from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I may not agree with LGBTQ+ stuff, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't respect what they believe.

 @9HLW9KQ from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Let me put it simple. There are only two genders. Man, and Woman, a woman, that chooses to become a man, is a "Mutilated Woman", and a man that chooses to become a woman is a "Mutilated Man".

 @9HLWNYQ from Maryland answered…6mos6MO


What are the potential societal impacts of expanding legal protections to include a wider range of gender identities?

 @9HLYN7ZGreen from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

It will make America a place of acceptance for Transgender people and expand upon human rights.

 @9HLXY74Peace and Freedom from Louisiana answered…6mos6MO

trans genders should be treated as the gender they are born as not what they want to identify as

 @9HLXMNF from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

No this is dumb. This is litteryl mentally ill and they are taking over the worldqgenobiogier[q 58hwrbuer09f


Is the stability of society really dependent on maintaining traditional gender roles?

 @9H9JHCM from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

Not really, but it would help if some people could just decide on their gender and move on because it gets confusing when so many people are changing genders and I have to remember new pronouns.

 @9H9JDDZ from California answered…6mos6MO

Some people are which it is not good because anyone can decide what to do with there life.


How could the acceptance of diverse gender expressions enhance the sense of community and belonging among young people?

 @9HLXMXG from Colorado answered…6mos6MO



Is it possible that rigid gender norms limit the potential for human diversity and creativity?

 @9H7H24R from Mississippi answered…6mos6MO

I feel like god put us in the body that we are supposed to be in and he doesn’t make mistakes. I love and respect everyone and just want people to be happy even if I don’t agree with their lifestyle.

 @9H7H293 from Wisconsin answered…6mos6MO

I mean probably, but what's tp say that its benefit to "human diversity and creativity" outweighs its costs, whatever they may be? It's a leading question.

 @9H9H2G2 from Texas answered…6mos6MO

No it does not limit the potential for creativity or diversity, however if everyone is allowed to do just as they please where would we all be. Their has to be some sort of rule. ultimately its a personal choice others who do not agree should not be farced to comply.

 @9H9D9NTfrom Maine commented…6mos6MO


Why do you think discussions about gender identities are becoming more prevalent in today's society?

 @9HZMK64 from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Its becoming more of an open and talked about matter. Some people don't support transgenderism because its unnatural and is a bad influence on kids. Others believe it's just a way of life and is not hurting anyone.

 @9HZM88J from Maryland answered…5mos5MO

The discussions about gender identities is becoming more prevalent in today's society because genetic influences and prenatal hormone levels, early experiences, and experiences later in adolescence or adulthood.

 @9J2LN3F from Nevada disagreed…5mos5MO

I believe gender identities are becoming more prevalent because we can actually say what we have to say and come out because we live in a more accepting society. Back then, if someone questioned their gender identity they would get targeted and they would have to live in silence but now we are able to voice our opinions because of the society we live in.

 @9HZLR5L from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

They are coming more prevalent because many people don't like being a girl, or being a boy.


Do you believe that traditional gender roles contribute to a healthier society or suppress individual identity?

 @9H9FSMC from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

I believe that traditional gender roles harm people and suppress their identities. It doesn’t make sense to ostracize people for their identities and interests.


What can we learn about tolerance and inclusivity from countries that recognize third genders or non-binary identities?