Try the political quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y


 @9GG5TBL  from Illinois agreed…7mos7MO

Not even the President, the highest government position in this country, can serve an unlimited amount of terms, so why should Congress?

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

Yes, term limits will increase performance and prevent corruption

 @9HNT78GRepublican from North Carolina disagreed…6mos6MO

They'll increase the power of the administrative state and special interests in relative terms by disempowering elected representatives.

 @9G99MXK from Nebraska agreed…8mos8MO

If there are term or age limits in congress, it will be encouraged to younger people to try and run for congress. People who are younger are generally more knowledgeable with what lots of the population want and are able to better represent a large majority of voters

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

Yes, and decrease their salary and retirement benefits

 @9GG9PDX from Wisconsin disagreed…7mos7MO

Decreasing their salary and retirement benefits doesn't give them and incentive to work harder. Our Congressman, especially republicans are trying to fix our current presidents spending problem, which is burdening the American people.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

No, we already have term limits that are called “elections”

 @9G99MXK from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Lots of the people currently running our government are old and out of touch with the current day problems and current day people

 @9J7GSFX from North Carolina disagreed…5mos5MO

Well the problem is that we have senators who have been in office for 60 years who have term limits on governor President and multiple other positions it is time to stop the corruption and enforce term limits in congress.

 @9GG5TBL from Illinois disagreed…7mos7MO

These "elections" still allow a person to serve an unlimited amount of terms if they are repeatedly re-elected

 @9G6B2XH from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

Elections only apply to the presidents, while others in the government serve for their life when there is no need.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...11yrs11Y

No, officials gain valuable experience and become more effective representatives over time

 @9FS9P3H from Maryland disagreed…8mos8MO

Experience is great but there is a time when someone gets to old and is not the same person they once were physically and mentally

 @9FZJVCR from Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

Experience is great but there is a time when someone gets to old and is not the same person they once were physically and mentally

 @9FV4XYJ from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Though people accumulate knowledge, after they turn 65, the value of that knowledge begins to diminish due to mental deterioration that also comes with age.

 @9FYVMRL from Georgia disagreed…8mos8MO

They may not be up-to-date with certain methods or data since they stick to one thing because it has been working.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

Yes, term limits for the House but not the Senate

 @5JKTL66from Montana answered…4yrs4Y

That's a double edged sword, if you make the term too short they'll have to be even more corrupt to scam what ever they can from American tax payers. If you leave them in too long they can take their time screwing everyone. I just think they should be bi-annually audited by independent parties and the auditing company has to change each time. If the books and emails are missing or out of order the Congress member will have to pay for the extra time it takes to find those items. If too much is missing they would have to step down and be held under house arrest until the matter is resolved.

 @9BFDRTB from Oklahoma answered…1yr1Y

 @947R5H7 from New Hampshire answered…2yrs2Y

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, impose term limits of no longer than age 75 for those serving in either the House or Senate

 @94JS63G from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @94JRGDH from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @94HXM8R from Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

No, but the percentage of votes required to win the election should be raised each time

 @94FK4VK from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

 @8DF7VQJPeace and Freedom from Ohio answered…4yrs4Y

not unless they want to be out of the office. why should someone have to stop doing something they love to run again, and possibly not get elected?

 @8W2R7MS from Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

Allow states and districts to choose the term limits on their representatives.

 @8GB4M8J from Kentucky answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, once they have done their 8 years as president, vice president, senator, governor, etc they should NOT be allowed to run anymore.

 @8XBHDRW from Florida answered…3yrs3Y

Yes and No. Yes there should be limit for congress to prevent corruption but there need to be proof that they are corrupted or spreading false narratives. This would give people an chance to elect people that they feel would be best. No because if people feel like the individual is a good representative of what they represent there shouldn't be a limit. During the elections people have the opportunity to get reelected or not, and if people don't vote for those individuals then they would be in office, so that would still be considered a limit.


No, we already have term limits that are called “elections”

lock up trump @trump familty

 @9CWCGZL from Texas commented…11mos11MO

Term limits should be implemented on all three branches of government.

President is currently 2 terms or no more than 10 years.

Congress and the Senate make 12 years

US Supreme Court and Federal Judges 14 years

 @RedStateCoatiRepublicanfrom Maine disagreed…11mos11MO

In the case of the Supreme Court, lifetime appointments can promote judicial independence, allowing justices to make decisions without fear of political backlash.

 @P0litic4lPlatformCheeseDemocrat from Maine disagreed…11mos11MO

Lifetime appointments can lead to stagnation and lack of fresh perspectives. Let's take an example: if a justice appointed in the 1980s is still serving, they might not fully grasp or appreciate the nuances of some modern issues like cybercrime or digital privacy.

 @8Q8MLNT from Pennsylvania answered…3yrs3Y

No, but there should be an maximum age.

 @8QS6KQGDemocrat from Michigan agreed…3yrs3Y

Yes, term limits for the House but not the Senate Yes No

The age limit should be 3 times the life expectancy.

 @9KG2D48 from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

Yes but they should always have the opportunity for them to go back in congress, it should be the peoples vote.

 @9MFBRSL from North Carolina answered…3wks3W

No, since our elections already act as term limits, but there should be age and mental competency limits

 @9LZQ7MQRepublican from Florida answered…1mo1MO

Yes, members of the House and the Senate should be restricted to 12 years in office. This equates to 6 terms for Congressmen and 2 terms for Senators

 @92VCQL8  from Wyoming answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but they cannot be lifetime term limits because America loses possibly valuable experience and intelligence from lifetime.

 @9L538S4 from Washington answered…2mos2MO

Yes, and decrease their salary, and prohibit them from increasing it more than the rate of inflation

 @9L3YXY6 from Utah answered…2mos2MO

No, extend the length of terms for each office and give every elected officer only one term per office.

 @9KXCNHXLibertarian from California answered…3mos3MO

No, instead there should be an age limit. No government official should be allowed to serve past the age of retirement. And decrease salary and benefits.

 @9KJJ4M3 from California answered…3mos3MO

Yes, term limits for the House and the Senate with three terms for the Senate and nine for the House

 @9KJD2J9 from Alabama answered…3mos3MO

Yes, those in office should be prevented from running for office while they serve in office, but there should not be a fixed number of times a person can serve in any office

 @9K495MY from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

Not only should their be term limits, to prevent corruption- there should be outside employees aiding their decisions. So many politicians have absolutely no idea what life is truly like, or any background knowledge on the depths of humanity, psychology, science etc. We need QUALIFIED ‘groups’ of people running the country- not rich, removed old men.

 @9JYH4NN from New York answered…4mos4MO

if they serve for 4 years yes but if they are impeached in the middle of their trem then no thats due to corruption

 @9JXVC9R from California answered…4mos4MO

No, term limits cause more short-term thinking (high time preferences) and will incentivize people to plunder the system before they have to go, rather than to cultivate a sustainable system.

 @9J8MTWB from Texas answered…4mos4MO

Yes, there should be limits but longer than the presidential limit. Allowing the member to gain experience but also have to rerun for their position.


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