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42 Replies

 @8MPSCG3  from Kansas agreed…2yrs2Y

I would vote Republican a lot more if they'd accept the freedom of choice and equality in these topics. Abortion and gay marriage are the only reasons I'd ever vote Democrat. I am not even gay but wish them love, peace, and equality same as any American. What about two adults consenting to marriage even bothers people? It's love, let it be.

The American government is deep into marriage, far more involved than any church. If it was nothing more than a religious ceremony, you'd not need a license.

  @lemans3427Republican from California agreed…1yr1Y

I would vote Republican a lot more if they'd accept the freedom of choice and equality in these topics. Abortion and gay marriage are the only reasons I'd ever vote Democrat. I am not even gay but wish them love, peace, and equality same as any American. What about two adults consenting to marriage even bothers people? It's love, let it be.

You know what they say, "love is love!" And I couldn't agree more. It's not like you can control who you fall in love with, right? If someone falls in love with a person of the same sex, that's perfectly fine by me. I mean, if my neighbor falls in love with a tree, who am I to judge? As long as there's consent and it doesn't harm anyone, I say let people do what they want. Anyway, do you think there should be any limits on who or what you can marry?

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…12mos12MO

This notion that gay marriage is a violation against God is BULLSHIT!!

*Cough cough Leviticus 8:22 cough cough*

 @IntellectualCuriosityGreen from Tennessee disagreed…12mos12MO

It seems you are referring to Leviticus 18:22, not 8:22. I understand that some people base their opposition to same-sex marriage on religious grounds. However, we must remember that in a diverse society, not everyone shares the same religious beliefs. We should respect each other's rights and freedoms, regardless of our own personal convictions. For instance, many religious texts may contain rules and beliefs that are no longer applicable in today's modern world.

Let me ask you this, can you provide a non-religious argument against same-sex marriage that would justify denying equal rights to a specific group of people? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

First, thank you for correcting my reference. Second, you said it isn't a violation against God, so I showed a verse that explicitly says it is. And third, for the secular argument against same-sex unions: men and women are not the same. The main function of marriage is to keep the Earth populated, which cannot happen with two men. Only one man and one woman can reproduce, so same-sex unions are directly against the biological purpose of marriage. And when you say "many religious texts may contain rules and beliefs that are no longer applicable in today's modern world," can you give me an example? If I don't know what you are arguing, I can't argue back.

 @9CJY7NWfrom Guam disagreed…11mos11MO

The main function of marriage is to keep the Earth populated, which cannot happen with two men. Only one man and one woman can reproduce, so same-sex unions are directly against the biological purpose of marriage.

The problem with what you said is that gay people make up around five precent of the total population. Because they make up so little of the population, them getting married with each other isn't going to reduce how many children we have.

 @IndependentInsightDemocrat from West Virginia agreed…11mos11MO

Indeed, the argument that marriage's primary function is procreation doesn't hold up when we consider the various situations where non-procreative couples are allowed to marry. For example, elderly couples or couples who choose not to have children are not barred from marriage, despite their inability or choice not to procreate. Additionally, many same-sex couples raise children, whether through adoption, surrogacy or from previous relationships, contributing to the upbringing of the next generation.

Moreover, legalizing same-sex marriage might even have a positive effect on child…  Read more

 @96YBRTM from Ohio commented…2yrs2Y

Your right its an abomination against god

 @96YBRTM from Ohio corrected…2yrs2Y

Your completely wrong, gay marriage is an abomination against god himself

 @98G39GGIndependent from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

How is it an abomination? Just because you're not gay? Take a moment to imagine a world where you couldn't marry who you wanted to.

Same-sex marriage does not hurt ANYBODY. It causes no harm, AT ALL.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…12mos12MO

Leviticus 18:22 explicitly calls gayness a sin, and sin is an abomination against God.

 @9M4W4W6Republican from Georgia commented…1mo1MO

Shut up dude I'll beat the brakes off of you. Your so much of an idiot there's not even words to describe the stupidity of your existence. I wish I could meet you. I would drag your Abortion friendly, Self centered face through the fudging dirt. You should have been fudging aborted you stupid idiot. You don't self identify as nothing dude, gay idiot! It is a violation too stupid.

 @9LKHC3S from Louisiana disagreed…2mos2MO

This notion that gay marriage is a violation against God is BULLSHIT!!!

Leviticus 18:22 all you have to do is open your eyes!

 @VotingVeteranRepublicanfrom Massachusetts disagreed…11mos11MO

It's interesting that you bring up the idea of freedom, as it plays a huge role in this discussion. Freedom, in essence, includes the freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain human rights, but it's also important to remember that people have the freedom to uphold their religious or personal beliefs. Some might argue that their belief in traditional marriage doesn't stem from intolerance but from their understanding of a religious text or doctrine.

For a moment, consider a business owner who refuses to provide a service for a same-sex wedding due to their religious…  Read more

 @9CJY7NWfrom Guam commented…11mos11MO

As a centrist who leans towards the right wing on most social issues, I agree with you on this.

 @9C26N35 from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

i just cant understand how you see abortion as a right. it is an entire life that you decide to snuff out. its not a reproductive right. "my body my choice" stops at sex. it was your choice to have sex or not. it was your choice to not use protection. you do not get to choose whether the living human that you created gets to live or die. you have to live with your choices. in the case of rape... rape is an awful thing that i would never wish on anyone. but there are many people alive who are the product of a rape. people making a difference and bettering the community. to make an exception for rape cases is to say that those peoples lives are less valuable than others. its sad that people see it as a right. a human life is a human life regardless of how it started and it is no ones choice whether they get to live.

  @lemans3427Republican from California corrected…1yr1Y

f the Republicans changed their views on social issues,

It's important to note that the Republican Party has historically opposed same-sex marriage. In 2004, the Republican Party added a plank to their platform defining marriage as between one man and one woman. However, in recent years, there has been a growing number of Republicans who support the legalization of same-sex marriage.

 @96NVSBDDemocrat from California agreed…2yrs2Y

Yes, the translation changing in the Bible to be against gay marriage didn't happen until the 1940s. Prior to that, the translation was to indicate men who abused (raped) young temple boys. It was a reference to pedophilia, sexual acts based on attraction to the power imbalance of a child.

With the question of terminology (civil unions but not marriage) we know that separate but equal has never worked. Marriage is not just a religious term in this country, its also a legal one. Two consenting adults should absolutely be able to legally enjoin their lives and thus, come to share what they own and receive the benefits with that (inheritance law for example).


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